Other people are not better at adult life than you. Most of us are just making it up as we go along, and that is fine (I include marriage/children/parenting in this). Don’t assume that you’re a lone outlier and that everybody else is a thousand times more competent than you. Yes, some people are highly organised. It’s a control thing, an attempt at imposing order on the unpredictable chaos of human existence. But steering your ship with a very light hand is also an option.
Never underestimate the life-changing power of a really good mattress.
Your version of events is not definitive. It is your version. The other person/people will have their own version, interpreted through their own eyes, lives, feelings and experiences - their truth, to use a phrase I don’t love. Both versions are valid.
If something is good, don’t pull at tiny little threads. All there is to gain is unravelling.
Your life is now, today. A lot of people feel dissatisfied because they are always imagining a future where X or Y problem has been addressed and solved. This is like always looking over someone’s shoulder at a party, except in this instance you are looking over the shoulder of your own actual life. Constantly thinking, ‘I will be happy once X happens,’ is a fool’s errand. X might happen, or it might not. Whatever. Meanwhile you only get one 16 May 2024 in your whole entire existence.