We are not going to talk about the football. We are going to look at some really excellent new things from IKEA instead. Before that, I just wanted to draw your attention to this by Luca Turin, and part 2 here.
Some people bust their balls trying to be good writers. They try so hard. They agonise, they despair, they do special degrees or go on courses, etc etc. And some people are Luca Turin. He sits down to type, and that is what comes out. Really everybody else should just down tools and go home. Unbelievably, he can do it in three languages.
There’s an issue with volume of newsletters, isn’t there? Admittedly I subscribe to loads but I wake up to what feels like hundreds on weekend mornings, spend the next few days catching up, and then get irritated because there are too many. I end up deleting some without reading them. It’s an imperfect situation. I’m curious - how do you read yours?
Anyway: IKEA! So trusty. So great. I really miss the physical paper catalogue. Here are 10 things I have my eye on and one I snaffled with a yelp of joy.