I enjoyed this and was excited by the prospect of magical knickers but they don’t work for me at all. Don’t know if it was just picking the wrong style but the full brief is without doubt the worst fitting pair of pants I’ve ever tried. I can see why people like the feel of the materiel, so I guess if they fit, they’d be amazing. I think it’s the very high cut leg on what’s supposed to be a full brief that’s the killer here. If you have legs for days and a flat stomach, they’d look awesome. If you don’t, you’ll look like you’ve instantly gained two stone as the leg cut outs sit awkwardly instead on the lower stomach. As a Brucie bonus, they gape a bit on the bum AND YET that high leg cut means your bum will be forever trying to eat these hell pants. You will therefore spend your day looking like you might have worms as you try and free them. Anyway, it’s back to Sloggi for me!

Love the substack, fully get they probably are awesome for most, just sharing that these didn’t work for my shape: size 14, flat bottom, bigger stomach, slightly short legs in case anyone else of the same shape is pondering paying that £10 postage.

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Try Thunderpants! Originals

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Thank you for a little collection of lovely things. I look forward to your posts and snaffle them away to read in bed with tea in a Sunday morning :)

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Thank you India - and re Connections, have you discovered the new(ish) NYT word game yet? Strands is still in beta format… it’s like a glorified word search, on a theme, but the letters shoot off in all directions. Can be quite taxing. Satisfying, but taxing.

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I'm an absolute devotee of The Rest Is Entertainment too. It's just brilliant. Everything you want from a podcast: Interesting, insightful, informative and entertaining.

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I hugely enjoyed this post - thank you. The hair spray arrived yesterday, a few of the pants are on their way, so much choice! I almost gave up. I was able to resist the tablecloth cherries because I can’t imagine being able to eat outside. As for Wordle, I do it and a few of the others in the evening. Connections is the one I enjoy most , but the Americanness of it sometimes defeats me

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Thank you for the Holy Grail of hair products. Can’t beat a Stanley, ludicrous for sure, but some things are reassuringly so.

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Thanks for all the great tips! My favourite pants are https://www.thunderpants.co.nz. I’ve worn nothing else for 30 years. The tagline is “they don’t go up your bum” which is true, they are super comfy and last forever.

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Oooh! Just checked these out... will order a pair. Thank you for the reccomendation x

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How cool, hope you like them!

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Really fab post!! Thank you India- a great mix of brilliant tips and inspiration!

Im definitely getting some chocolate cosmos- cant think of anything better!!

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I made the tomato and feta dish last night and my husband said it was a keeper! I thought so too, so thank you for the recipe!!

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It's lovely, isn't it? Weather for it again today : (

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Ooh, must try that Redken hair prod! And I love my ludicrous cup, too. 🙋‍♀️

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It's really unglam and really good.

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A lovely list of happiness ! Thank you! Plus your sub stack which brings great joy all on its own!

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That's so nice - thank you very much!

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Am such a fan of the Rest is Entertainment (not a podcast person but this was my gateway), and so glad you like the orzo feta dish! 💚

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I like everything I've made from it. I am trying to be more podcasty too - I don't really understand where you're supposed to listen to them. Car is perfect but home impossible except when in bath.

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Yes I know exactly what you mean! What are you supposed to do while listening? It is too early in the year to consider knitting something shapeless. Cooking requires a bit more concentration. Feeding the baby works well here but otherwise agree, car!

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I guess on commutes, but no use if no commuting happens!

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Great inspiration as always… btw .. I am currently on holiday devouring Emily Henry books! Brilliant new finds for me, thank you!

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Oh good, I'm so pleased! They are GREAT.

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I really wanted not to like Skims knickers, because surely as a Kardashian product there would be something wrong with them, but they are fabulous - phenomenal material. The bralets not so much, in my experience. Not enough coverage.

Stanley cups are very much in vogue with the tweens of South Florida. Gen Z are much better hydrated than Gen X ever were or probably still are…

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Me too - I sort of obscurely disapproved. Haven't tried the other things but the knickers are incredible. So true re Gen Z being hydrated!

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No unbearable heat here in the west of Ireland praise be! 🙏🏼 Enjoyed very much this mishmash post….thank you 🙌🏼 I’m a firm fav of marks n spencers knickers but will deffo have a look at the skims ones you recommend 👍🏼

You mentioned one time that you might ‘chat’ to us about the Belgian coast, shrimp fishermen, brocante in Bruges and Ghent etc etc

I really want to make this trip some day soon and would really appreciate your valuable inside info so to speak! Thank you so much 🙌🏼❤️

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I must get on with this (and in fact the W Cork one). On the list!

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Thank you 🙏🏼

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What a cheering collection of goodies. I hope to visit the Cedric Morris this week- very excited!

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It looks fantastic, I can't wait to go. Do report back!

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I am off today - will do!

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