I can’t see the film?

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Mar 18Liked by India Knight

Oh my...thank you so much for sharing this. what a wonderful thing. Love these women and hearing their powerful story. Love and friendship...it's everything.

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It's so lovely, isn't it? Those women are so great.

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Mar 17Liked by India Knight

Going to go this week , lunch at Butley Oysterage methinks

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Excellent choice.

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Mar 17Liked by India Knight

I've been there but I had no idea.

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It's easy to miss. Or you think huh, look at those white stones, not realising they are shells of wonder.

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Mar 17Liked by India Knight

Not that far away from us and had never heard of it . Thank you India , we need more like this

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Oh good, I'm glad you didn't know!

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Mar 17Liked by India Knight

What a beautiful story

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It is, isn't it?

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Mar 17Liked by India Knight

This was so beautiful to watch, thank you for sharing

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It's wonderful, isn't it? Glad you liked it.

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Mar 17Liked by India Knight

I work at a cancer hospital and this is a wonderful example of living with and beyond cancer - a key theme in our cancer research. Thanks for sharing x

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I'm so pleased they both recovered. Thank you for watching and more to the point for the sterling work you do.

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Mar 17Liked by India Knight

Lovely uplifting story

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Mar 17Liked by India Knight

Absolutely loved this. The story, the film, the women, the friendship. All of it. Thank you so much for sharing, India.

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You're very welcome. They're such great women.

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Mar 17Liked by India Knight

What a moving and beautiful film, thank you so much for sharing. I can imagine that the beach and the shell line would be a very comforting place to visit if you were experiencing a difficult time. Suffolk seems to be the most difficult part of the U.K. to travel to from Wales, and so, I’ve never been there 😳. I must rectify that!

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It's not on the way to anywhere, which is why I like it so much, but it does make it a bummer to get to. Shout if you visit!

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Thank you, India, for the link to this quietly affecting story of life and friendship. With the added bonus of a beautifully made film.

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I'm so glad you liked it. I love everything about it.

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That’s such a beautiful story- thanks India

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Very welcome. I love those women. And the shells.

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Mar 17Liked by India Knight

That is so poignant and such a challenge to the dreadful things we’re exposed to. The best of humanity. I’m very impressed that Lupin is respecting the line.

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Thank you for being impressed by respecting the line. I am sorry to say that is NOT always the case.

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Well, that’s just about one of the most wonderful things I’ve ever seen. Thanks for sharing India.

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So welcome! A good start to Sunday I think.

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Mar 17Liked by India Knight

Such a beautiful film and story. Can’t wait to visit the beach when I’m in Suffolk for Easter. Thank you India x

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