I'm very keen on Klimt myself, in fact I had the poster of Judith holding the head of Holofernes on the wall of my 6th form room in boarding school! Also, went to the Neue Museum in NYC when they had the big Klimt exhibition - it was wonderful. I once saw similar fabric to some of his garden/mosaic areas in the Conran shop years ago, but I can't remember now why I didn't buy it, there must have been a good reason.

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Ha, I had same plus The Kiss on my wall in first term of university. I still love them and him. Would have loved to have seen that exhibition.

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🌸 love it!

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Me too. I wouldn't mind a dress of it.

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Would make a perfect summer dress

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It’s almost like a stylised flatlay photograph. Beautiful.

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Totally. I'd love to see it in the flesh - maybe it's very textured and more 3D?

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Jun 9Liked by India Knight

Also an art philistine and really enjoy these snapshots and an currently devouring the book list : love these posts.

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Oh good, I'm glad.

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Jun 9Liked by India Knight

I have to admit to being an art philistine so I love these posts, India. With this one, because it’s a detail, you see, and appreciate the tiny things that make the whole. Those flowers probably look like dots in the original but they’re exquisite.

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I'm sure you're not, but thank you!

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Thank you, I appreciate your insights into the artworks you share. x

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Thank you!

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Jun 9Liked by India Knight

As always, so informative. 🙏

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Oh good! thank you.

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Truly look forward to these daily missives and maybe because it is summer and we seem to be on the same track. They are a gentle nudge in the right direction. Have a lovely Sunday. Xo

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Thanks so much Bumble, and you! Xx

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