Having read this I marched ALL THE WAY UP UPPER STREET FROM ANGEL and ALL THE WAY BACK AGAIN, including dodging the chuggers, in order to buy some Poon's Extraordinary Chilli Oil, which is a BIT on the pricey side for me atm, so the whole thing was frankly quite a high-risk endeavour... and I am very pleased to say that it is UTTERLY DELICIOUS and COMPLETELY WORTH THE SHOE LEATHER* and relevant pounds/pence.

*Nike AirMax 90s soles

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Mar 10Liked by India Knight

Happy to report I was presented with scrambled eggs and smoked salmon, (wild caught - not sure I can stomach the other type now, after reading *that* article in the FT recently...), on toasted sourdough with coffee, all beautifully laid out on the folding, oak tray you mentioned a while back. I spent two hours in bed reading this morning. Bliss!

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Well, talk about perfect! How lovely (and I hear you re smoked salmon, urgh).

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Mar 10Liked by India Knight

What a perfect post. I’m 45 and still can’t boil an egg well consistently! Quick question - are your eggs going into the boiling water at fridge or room temp? Happy Mother’s Day

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Very good point - at room temp. Happy Mothers Day to you too!

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Mar 10Liked by India Knight

This makes a massive difference. I keep mine in the fridge (not the done thing I know but husband is anti-egg so it can take a while to get through them). From the fridge soft boiled is a good 4.5 - 5 mins

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You're quite right - I'll edit the post to make that clear.

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Thanks so much India, this post would have been worth it for the Antoine Vollon paintings alone, but it’s also reminded me that I had made chaat masala from the Bee Wilson book. So I plan to rummage that out of the pantry and sprinkle on something egg ish!! Thank you!!

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Aren't those paintings amazing? I love them so much. And yum chaat masala, delicious feast ahead!

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